Experience Spectacular Olympic Peninsula Fishing
Rivers in the Forks area provide the opportunity to catch trophy class winter Steelhead, fish in excess of 30lbs cruise our rivers each winter. The Olympic Peninsula in Washington State is one of the few areas that still has healthy runs of Wild Steelhead. We also have good runs of Spring Kings, Summer Steelhead, Summer and Fall Kings, Coho, Sockeye, Bull Trout and Cutthroat Trout. Fresh fish enter our rivers every month of the year providing fishing opportunities year-round.
The Sol Duc River, Calawah River, Bogachiel River and Hoh River are all synonymous with world-class Steelhead fishing. These rivers provide a challenge for even experienced fishermen, yet can still be enjoyed by the novice angler. Our rivers accommodate a wide variety of fishing techniques: you will find classic runs to swing a fly with a Spey rod, ideal hotshot water, boulder-filled runs to float fish, in other words if you are looking for a specific type of water you will find it here.
When combined with the natural beauty of Washington's Olympic Peninsula, a fishing trip down one of our rugged and spectacular rivers with Larry Ford, Forks WA fishing guide will leave you with memories that will last a lifetime...